How do you make a wedding ceremony, or also known as a wedding ceremony, unforgettable and how do you ensure that you can enjoy it for a long time to come? A wedding ceremony is one of the moments that most couples look forward to most, but perhaps also dread the most. What should you take into account?
Are we getting married in the town hall, at the wedding location or in our own garden? One of the first choices you have to make. There are pros and cons to all three choices.
This is how a wedding ceremony in a town hall often feels official and traditional, but it is often difficult to plan the ceremony as you wish. For example, you must take into account the dates and times that are available and you can only choose from a limited number of wedding officials, also known as a BABS. Before making a decision, it is wise to first research the options, such as: what do the various ceremony rooms look like, which wedding officials are available and is it possible on our wedding date? Sometimes you can only set the date six months prior to your wedding date.
A ceremony at your wedding location is probably a nice alternative to a ceremony at the municipality. There is then much more freedom and it is even possible to get married outside. Often, most wedding locations also offer an indoor space in case the weather doesn't cooperate. A random BABS can also be chosen (this does not apply to every municipality), so that the choice is completely in line with your wedding day. Adding a personal touch through flowers, decorations and music is of course also possible.
Of course, a ceremonial ceremony in your own garden gives the greatest freedom, but this choice comes with a lot of arrangement. Think of any permits (permission to get married and a sound permit), a wedding official, a report to the neighbours, a sound system, furniture, a weather plan and the plan for parking.
Most couples get married between two and three hours. This is of course a great choice, but of course it can also be done differently, such as during the sunset and just before the wedding party. In this way, you not only benefit from beautiful light, but all evening guests can also attend the ceremony.
If you have the freedom to organize the ceremony as you wish, it is good to take into account a number of important aspects.
Do the number of guests fit in the ceremony room? It is better for you to have enough seats than too few than to have seats left. In this way, you create an attractive and cozy atmosphere. Put all the important guests in front and make sure there is plenty of room to move around. This is especially important for yourself.
According to traditional guidelines, it is common for the bride to take a seat on the right. Behind the bride is her family. After saying yes, the bride and groom switch places. By changing, the bride shows that she belongs to both families from now on. Religion can play a role in these guidelines. For example, Jewish brides are always on the right during the ceremony and Christian brides on the left. It's up to you to follow a tradition, but above all, do what feels good.
When choosing a traditional ceremony, it is advisable to clearly specify where all guests can take a seat. This can be done, for example, by placing a name card on each seat. An alternative is to opt for free choice. In that case, for example, you can place a sign with the text: “Pick a seat, not a side, you're loved by both.”
If you want to make a wedding ceremony even more personal, you can consider the elements below. With these tips, you can really make something special out of it.
It's important to have a click with the wedding official. The wedding official is the one who gives the speech about you as a couple. For that reason, ensure an open and honest conversation so that the BABS can get to know you well. This often results in a personal and beautiful story.
Personal wedding promises are a beautiful and personal addition to a wedding ceremony. The promises are often told to each other just before they say yes and provide a romantic vibe. This reinforces the yes word even more.
Music is an important element in a wedding ceremony. Consider carefully which songs you want to select for your wedding ceremony. Are you going for romantic or a special song? In addition to music when entering and leaving the ceremony room, you can also opt for music while signing the act. If you want to do it completely special, opt for live music by, for example, a pianist or band.
Of course, there are also quite a few traditions and rituals that are often held during the ceremony. This can be done for religious reasons or because of the underlying idea. In Mexican ceremonies, a piece of rope is often put over the couple as a kind of lasso. This is how you are literally connected to each other. During Celtic traditions, on the other hand, a piece of ribbon is put around the hands. During Jewish weddings, a glass is often smashed by the groom and a candle is often lit during Christian ceremonies.
You will provide the wonderful moments during your wedding ceremony and I will make sure you can enjoy them for a long time to come.